Clearing up a small matter


Apr 22, 2005
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Guernsey, Channel Islands, UK
Years ago before I got into fishkeeping seriously I used to have a tank with a clown loach and what I think was an albino clown loach - has anyone ever heard / seen one as I'd love to get one for my next tank (trigon 360).

Any pictures would be excellent too!
never come across them myself... cant find anything on the net either...

I want to see pictures now too :)
Definately not dreaming on that one - exactly the same shape etc - same temperament as a clown but just gave the tank that something special!
I've never heard of them and I have my doubts you had one. It's possible it was a RTBS or Rainbow Shark as they're similar in body enough your memory might fuzzle them up with a Clown after several years. Those are definitely in an albino variety too.

Until recently they've all been wild caught and now they're "wild farmed" in large farming sections of rivers or lakes and induced to breed with hormone therapy. 99.9% of wild born albinos don't live very long, for obvious reasons. Still I'd be interested to see one at least if not get to own some. :)
This was 10+ years ago so long enough for it to be long gone but recent enough to remember what it looked like.

All I can say is it definately, 100%, gospel truth looked just like my other clown in the tank but obviously as I have no proof it doesn't mean too much :(

*Mutters, damn that time machine, where did I put the keys........?*
Could it have been a skunk loach?


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