Clearance sale at local fish store


Sexy Martha Fahaka
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Mar 14, 2004
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East coast of England.
I don't come in here often, but I thought I had to tell everyone about this.

Swallow Aquatics in Colchester, Essex is moving locations and are selling of livestock at knock-down prices including premium cured liverock at 25% off.

All FW fish are BOGOF and most marine fish are reduced too. some great deals.

Sorry to sound like spam but this is too good to miss!
Just a good community service announcement
:sad: I was only up there about 3 weeks ago and purchased alot of very expensive fish! A bit far for me to make use of the deal though ( 900 mile round trip) :*)

If anyone is in the area though and is considering taking a look then i whole heartedly recomend it, the shop has very high standards and excellant quality stock... In fact the only place i have ever seen a tank with a shoal of 5 Achilles tangs! (Your usually lucky to have 1 achilles tang surive in a tank)
Nav, if you liked Swallows Colchester, you would love Swallows Rayleigh (the flagship store) they have a display tank around the 300 to 400 gallon mark for reef and another tank around th 500 mark for a FOLR with a couple of morays, some scats a cleaner wrasse, some dogfish and some fish I have no idea about. Admittedly they can have some unsuitable fish (like a cut 1" box fish...)

However, I'm heading towards Colchester tomorrow, may have to check out the old swallows.
You went on a 900 mile trip just to go to Swallow Aquatics? My god thats just worrying navarre! Where do you live?

Ben :p
It wasnt just to go visit Swallow aquatics...

Recently tehre was a Reefers weekend in the area which i attended. This event was for all marine forums across the entire UK and had alot of interest. We stayed at a local Pontins in the area for a very cheap price (moderators went free of charge!)

The entire weekend was dedicated to reefkeeping as well as family entertainment for the kids etc. Over the weekend we had a coach trip to Swallow aquatics (whcich i was very impressed with) and another store nearby.

On the final day i drove back to swallow aquatics to make some purchases and then drove back home.

I live in the far southwest of england (Cornwall) and swallow aquatics is in the far eastern side of the UK. The trip was 443 miles for me (i know cos i won a prize for the most miles travelled :p ) so it is 886 miles to be precise :)

Here is the website for the Reefkeepers weekend. Its being held again next September for anyone who wishes to go along and join in the fun!

Reefkeepers weekend

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