clear the gravel


New Member
Sep 16, 2003
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since i do have a pleco and 2 oscars should i remove all the gravel out of the tank? or leave some? I was told that it is best to have a non-gravel aquarium for oscars, since they do make a mess and it makes it easier for the filter to catch the mess they do make and the pleco waste which I have no resovled should I do this? clear all or some of the gravel?
Since you already have the gravel in there I would just leave it be, imo.

It is easier if you have no gravel when it comes to cleanup but that doesn't mean that's what you have to do. Cichlids love to dig and move vast amounts of gravel and even plants. IMO, it's always best to let them do so as it is instinctive for them and they enjoy it.

As long as you keep up with the water changes/gravel cleanings it doesn't matter whether you have gravel or not. If you have a UGF (which I don't recommend for cichlids) than make sure you have 2 1/2 - 3" of gravel and if you don't have a UGF then don't have more than 2". If you don't meet those then it would be fine to take some gravel out to meet it after you do a gravel clean.

I either always do a 5% water change daily or 2-3 25%-30% water changes a week for cichlids. I realize this is excessive to some and am not recommending it has to be done, just stating what I do.

What size aquarium do you have and what filtration?
I have a 10gal and topfin carbon filter

- i bought 2 5 pound bags of that enough?

the thing I might do is remove some and leave some of it to hold down teh plants and decors....but if there are other options then please advise.....
Just in case no one told you. Oscars and plecos get huge. You'll need a 55g minimum to house those. Some may even recommend larger. Dont worry about trying to hold your plants down. The oscars will dig them up in no time at all. As far as the gravel goes, I would leave a it in. Cichlids love to dig as smb stated. Also it holds beneficial bacteria that you want. Not as much as an established filter but it is there.
A 10 gallon is extremely small. WAY too small to house those fish. If you want those oscars to survive you need at least a 55 gallon tank. You can put a pile of gravel in the bottom of the tank for them to play with and even a plastic plant for them to drag around. Its best to leave the tank bottom bare so you can easily clean up after them though.
no dont take out the gravel the poo will float around and the catfish needs gravel to suck on for algae
Algae can grow on the sides of the tank as well. Any old surface will do for algae. I think plecos like plants to hide in though. I don't really know much about them to tell the truth.

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