Clear Pvc


Fish Fanatic
Dec 2, 2007
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Has anyone here used clear pvc as a water bridge?

I just aquired an all glass 265 84"x30"x26" and am thinking of connecting my 800 to the 265 and then connecting those two to my 240 and would like to use a section of clear 6" pipe in the middle of the water bridge. I'm wondering if anyone has experienced problems with the pipes getting dirtier than dirty...
myself and lord zagot? ( not sure how to spell his name) have both made bridges serch the diy section for my topics. the way to keep them clean is to have an external filter with the inlet in one tank and the outlet in the other that way water passes between the 2 constantly cleaning out the bridge,
any questions just pm me.
good luck with the project and bridges are awesome!
That's funny you say that... I had a very small bridge between two 20H tanks in the back room as an experiment, and that's what I did.... The tanks will positioned something like this:

The filter on the 800 is designed to handle over twice it's capacity. so I was considering not even filtering the 265. Just pump water from the 800 to the 240 which will then go through the 265. I'd put UGJ's in the 265 to keep debris from settling... Or do you suggest I filter it?
hmm i pump my water around with a external filter, the tank with the outlet in does get some crap on the floor but once a fish or shrimp disturbs it, most of it goes into the bridge to the other tank, once there it settles until distubed again then into the inlet and sticks in the filter.

not sure how powerful your pump is coz its gonna be moving alot of water around =]

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