Cleanup Crew


Fish Crazy
Aug 18, 2006
Reaction score
wiltshire england
i am in the process of setting up a marine tank. it is 40 gallons (uk).
how long do you have to what for the tank to be mature enough to add a clean up crew.
and what would you recommed but no starfish plz or big crabs. (my mum doesn't like them and it is in her living room).lol
i am in the process of setting up a marine tank. it is 40 gallons (uk).
how long do you have to what for the tank to be mature enough to add a clean up crew.

It takes as long as it takes - your readings will tell you when you can add livestock

There are a few ariable as to how quickly your tank cycles - mainly what bio-filtration are you using
i am going to having 30kg of live rock for the bio filtration.
along with an external filer with a polyfilter pad some phosphate remover and active carbon.
i am going to having 30kg of live rock for the bio filtration.
along with an external filer with a polyfilter pad some phosphate remover and active carbon.

If the LR is fully cured they you may not get a cycle (ie increase n Ammonia & Nitrrite) & therefore you can add Clean up crew right away

I would do awaay with the polypads :good: :good:
yeah the rock is fully cured.
awesome can someone help me with what clean up dudes to get for my 40gallon tank.
i would really like some hermits as they look class. but how many would i need. and what other clean up guys are good.
2 cleanup members for every gallon i think it is :/ I'm thinking of going marine again soon :)

General rule of thumb is 1 CUC per Gallon

Hermits are great for eating detritus etc but they can/do attack snails
Yeah if you want hermits, stick to a couple scarlet hermits as they are less aggressive than their blueleg cousins
so if i have a 50 gallon tank i need 50 CUC im thinkin of buying some cleaner shrim does the same rule apply my tank is about 3 weeks old and ill probobly get abunch of snails

wat does hermit crabs clean with those big claws anyways

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