Cleanup Crew For A 29g


Feb 3, 2007
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Up-State New York
the live rock is going in this week, and i'm just thinking ahead, so i know how much i need to save up for my cleanup crew.

I was thinking this:
10 turbo snails
10 nassarius snails
1 Emerald Crab
2 Peppermint Shrimp
3 Scarlet Hermits

Suggestions and comments would be great :good:
the live rock is going in this week, and i'm just thinking ahead, so i know how much i need to save up for my cleanup crew.

I was thinking this:
10 turbo snails
10 nassarius snails
1 Emerald Crab
2 Peppermint Shrimp
3 Scarlet Hermits

Suggestions and comments would be great :good:

10 turbo's are too many, they are large, 1 should be OK, trochus snails are good too as are ceriths. What about a cleaner shrimp?
wow i totally skipped the fact those turbos got that big :crazy: :blush:
How about instead of the turbos, then 5-10 trochus?

Cleaner shrimps seem to be a little on the expensive side :( Any great benefits they would add to be worth the cost?
wow i totally skipped the fact those turbos got that big :crazy: :blush:
How about instead of the turbos, then 5-10 trochus?

Cleaner shrimps seem to be a little on the expensive side :( Any great benefits they would add to be worth the cost?

Trochus can get fairly large too, maybe 5 would be OK.

I'd get:-
10 nassarius
5 cerith
3 trochus
1 turbo
5 red legged hermits
1 peppermint shrimp
1 skunk cleaner shrimp (will clean parasites and dead flesh from your fish, they provide a good natural service to them)
1 porcelain crab (they are cool!)
Cleaner shrimp: Unless I"m mistaken they clean other fish. I'm not sure what they clean off, but, they clean! :D And they look awesome... 8)
Cleaner shrimp will clean your fish and remove some parasites from thier skin. They will also eat left over food from the tank which the snails won't. Mine cleans the powerhead inlet of any food that gets stuck on it and will eat out of my hands. They will also steal food from any corals like sun corals or candy canes you may have in the future.

Well worth having in the tank though. I agree they are a bit pricey but the have bags of personality and will brighten the tank up no end :good:

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