Cleaning up after fungus


Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 12, 2003
Reaction score
Warm and Sunny Arizona
after battling fungus for a month now,its almost gone. when the last fish looks healthy again, i will be turning them in to my lfs as i want to do something different with the tank.
i want to ensure that my new fish won't get fungus so i know i'll have to clean out the tank and everything. whats the best way to clean the gravel and decor (read: plastic plants, small piece driftwood, plastic cave thingy)? i'm going to start over with new filter media of course (actually filter from a different established tank, will be moving its contents into this bigger tank..............) and will scrub out the tank and clean up the other equipment.

thanks much all!
There are several ways you can do this.
1. Buy a special fish/aquarium disinfectant and soak the gravel and decor in it for a few hours and then agitate and rinse. (Methylene Blue could be used if aquarium disinfectant not available, but MB tends to tinge everything blue)
2. Place the required amount of aquarium salt for disinfection into a suitable container, place the gravel and decor in the container, and the pour boiling water over everything- enough to cover all the items. Stir the liquid and contents to even out the solution. Leave until cool and the wash and rinse, scrub if necessary to get stubborn scum off items.
3. Pour boiling water over items, agitate and repeat.(not as reliable as the other two methods, some fungi spores are resistant of boiling water)
These are methods that I have used with success in the ast. I'm sure other fishkeepers have their own personal favorites.

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