cleaning the tank


Fish Addict
Feb 28, 2005
Reaction score
Houston, Tx.
Ok...I want to clean my 10 gallon tank. I'm not sure how. I will remove my betta and put him in a bowl while I clean. Should I just do a 50% change and vacuum the rocks? I've heard that you shouldn't clean it completely because you will get rid of all the useful bacteria but I'm not sure. I've also heard that when vacuuming you can actually put more ammonia in the water by disturbing the rocks on the bottom. So how should I clean it? So confused :S
Well, I'm probably doing it all wrong but heres mine-

1. take out betta. Violently use gravel vac to clean a bit of crud off rhe gravel and take out nearly all of the water. Opps, turn off heater and filter 1st!
2. Empty out bucket of old water. Fill bucket with new water, dechlor and carefully put in. Turn on filter and heater. Put betta in.

If you're wondering why I take the betta out, I'm not exactly brill with a gravel vac :lol:
The tank will go a bit cloudy after with some of the crud thats left, but it will soon settle.
OFeeshy you crack me up.
I have you pictured to be this mad scientist with rubber gloves, goggles, a full doctor's gown and cap on and a breathing mask when you go after your tank with the vacuum. :lol:
BettaMomma said:
I have you pictured to be this mad scientist with rubber gloves, goggles, a full doctor's gown and cap on and a breathing mask when you go after your tank with the vacuum.
:rofl: Now I have that picture in my head. :lol:

ok...yea, that's what I didn't want to do with the vac either...that would really stress him out and could make him sick from all the stress just because I didn't want to take him out...ok...thank :)
Oh yea, I forgot to ask, how ofter should I do this? I only have a male betta in a 10 gallon tank with a pretty good filter. I feed him pellets and he takes them right after I drop them in.
if the tank is cycled, then you only have to do partial changes (10-25%) once a week (i think)
If it's cycling then you'll have to do it often for the next six weeks or so. After that I would say once every couple of weeks for one fish in a cycled 10.
Well,you are going to cycle it? Regardless of if you plan to or not,it will indeed eventually cycle with you doing partial changes. So if that's the case do this once or twice a week.

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