cleaning tanks


Fish Crazy
Jul 23, 2004
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ok i have a question that i bet no one will know the anwer to. can you wash out with rain water, instead of using tapwater. i know that sounds funny, but i just got an old really dirty tank, and it was outside and it filled up with rainwater.
There can be nothing better than rain water, pure (as the polution in your area allows) and with nothing added, of course you can!!!
Tropjunky said:
yah sure but a warning about the rain, rain can pick-up pollutants that can kill ut fish. it can happen when it's in the form of clouds and when in droplets so i'd stick to tap or ro.
Sounds to me like the tank is empty, was in the yard and got filled with rain water. There is no problem cleaning your tank with this water. Even without pollutants, tap water is not exactly what I would call naturally "safe" for fish either.

Rain water will be just fine to clean your tank. If I had space, ability, enough rain and I weren't too lazy, I'd set up something to collect rainwater and use it to top off my tanks when water evaporates (I doubt I'd get sufficient quantities to do water changes with rainwater). If it's good enough for nature, it's good enough for my fish.


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