Cleaning Tank


Fish Fanatic
Oct 1, 2010
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Could you recommend the best way to clean the inside of my aquarium glass please? I have tried one of those sticks with a sponge on one side & scrubber on the other but it doesn't seem to remove all the 'muck'. The tank's not over dirty but there's just a few 'foggy' patches that I find difficult to remove.
Do you have an algae magnet, they work for me even though my glass is curved. Theres loads of different types and loads of sizes so your bound to find a good one at your lfs.

Oh by the way, what do the "foggy patches" look like, i'm guessing they're just normal algae right?
I use a new, rinsed in tank water first, washing up sponge; one of the ones that has a layer of scourer on a sponge; do you know the ones I mean?.

I do my glass weekly during my water change. Does your tank get any direct sunlight at all?
I use this:, and I only clean the front glass. This scrubber has a curved handle so you can use both sides of the scrubber sponge for different areas and reasons.

OTHER THOUGHTS AND QUESTIONS: Could the bacteria attach to the glass? How long could the bacteria live when exposed to air during water changes?
Be careful with using normal kitchen sponges. A lot of them have antibacterial liquid in them.
Be careful with using normal kitchen sponges. A lot of them have antibacterial liquid in them.

Wow, yes! If you get he very cheapest ones they're fine but always read the packet properly first!
Thanks guys - loads of good suggestions. I like the one concerning the cheapy washing up scrubber. There's some at our local Asda - 6 for around 15p so they sound good. No additives either at that price lol.

The tank doesn't get direct sunlight & the foggy area is a fine algae I think, I can feel it on the glass but its a devil to get off. You can see through it tho but not very clear.

The mucky bits are below the water line when I do the pwcs & never exposed to the air.

Many thanks. I will start scrubbing when i do my pwc's at weekends & keep on top of it. :good: :good: :good:
if your using 'kichen style ' sponges watch out for the 'scotchbrite' type, very abrasive , past experience , the best as stated are non-anitbacterial, non chemical or pre soaped, scratch free often adverised for telflon, glass and bathrooms.

easy way if usnure test on an unwanted mirror of one of the girfiends old compact mirrors, scratches show up instantly...then no tank glass damage.

Tried and tested ! hope it helps
I think those scotchbrite (not sure if all the names are the same) ones with a special pad on one side come in a number of radically different types, at least one of which is made to not scratch glass.

That said however, I've found I get bothered by how a number of these types of scrubbers will sometimes flake off little strands of material. I discovered partly by accident that the fluval white replacement sponges (there are some larger ones you can cut with scissors into nice hand size sponges) have a toughness about them that I find pretty effective at cleaning while still being totally gentle and not having any flaking problems. I actually rather like using my hand to hold the sponge down close to things so that I know by feel if I'm close to tearing a leaf or trapping a substrate partical that might scratch the glass.

I like using a piece of Filter Floss cut into a rectangle :good:

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