Cleaning out the garage...


Fish Crazy
Jul 2, 2005
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I also found a new 15 gallon tank, the last time i set it up i was a complete fish noob and knew nothing. I totally overloaded the new tank and the poor fishies all ended up dying. Before that though i filled it with medication (like a newb, i didn't isolate the first fish that came down with something) so the whole tank was soon the color of the medicine :dunno: . I was wondering if the tank is re-usable, and how i could go about cleaning out all the fungus, ich, and medication that was in it. Oh yeah, the tank has been out of service for about a year now. Any feedback would be great.
Hot water and loads of salt and best let it dry out for a few days, good luck with the tank set up.
Yep. I had to do that to my tank, due to internal parasite infection. I used salt and a tiny bit of bleach. Lety the tank sit with water in it for a bit, then rinse out, fill it up, let sit, rinse again....rinse it well..cant say that enough...DO NOT use dish soap, or any soap/sponge with soap in, because i killed 3 fish that way with my 5gallon, had to sit for a week getting the chem out...If theres anythingto learn, its soap kills, or any chemical not meant for fish really
This is a real easy question, but i was wondering what kind of salt? Aquarium, table salt perhaps?
Table salt will be fine as long as you rinse it well, good luck
wash it like mad like adding hot water + daily change for weeks. And let it dry and then wash again. I'm pretty sure that should be enought. I my self also have problem when I was noobs. I still can remember the smell of 8 of my gold fish being cook in my 20g due to heater screw. But now I use that tank for pure plant uses. it seem to be fine.

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