cleaning out BIG piranhas


Fish Crazy
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
colchester, UK
We've got 5 3inch piranhas, only had them about 3 weeks and at the moment i use a gravel vac and they tend to hide away when i put my arm in.

However, over the 3 weeks we've had them they've got progressivly more confident and arn't so shy or scared.

My worry is, in 6months or so, when they're more like the size of my hand, they're not going to be as scared and might think it's food :crazy:

Does anyone have any large ones and how do you get on?
I've cleaned plenty of piranha tanks with zero issues, make sure they are well fed before you stick your hands in. Seriously, it works. Also, pay attention. If you are that worried, scoop them into a holding tank for maintainance time. BTW- they get huge, your guys are still babies!
Oh i know they're gonna get large, thats what i was worried about, at the mo i'm alot bigger than them but eventually i'm not going to be much of a threat!

We can't really keep them 'well fed' coz at the mo the tanks still cycling so we're only feeding them a mussell and bloodworm every other day. I suppose once they're bigger it'll be okay to feed them more without filling the tank with ammonia?
oh u will be fine! our sciecne teacher has a pirhana and we gotta clean the tank. just make sure u do no have any open cuts/ bleeding on u, other wise the might attack :crazy: .
i dont know about the guppies but danio's have a good munch on my knuckles when my hands in the tank. agressive little things when they want to be :lol:
not sure if this would be helpfull in the future but you could use kitchen gloves, you know, the ones you buy to wash the dishes, if you get them big you could even put on other type of "stronger" and possibly non-aquarium-safe gloves under these :D

There are also "plastic arms" to clean your tank or to reach the bottom of really tall ones, either for scrubbing algae or for grabbing stuff, so you might consider these.

can't think of anything else.

Wish to see pics btw :nod:

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