Cleaning old tank up

Feb 13, 2004
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I'm now about to set up my ex-marine tank as a planted freshwater. It was cleaned up at the time it was emptied. But do I have to make sure that every last grain of sand is out, and every scrap of dirt/algae scraped off? Is there anything that might contaminate the new tank do you think? I've rinsed it again with tap water - I thought it probably wasn't a good idea to use any disinfectant or anything in there.
You probably guessed right about the disinfectant.

While there's probably no need to completely sterilize the thing, it should be as clean as possible. That is, if you can see 'gunk', I'd probably get it out.
Hmm, that's pretty much what I thought. Thanks - I'm just scared of doing something to my new fish because of something left behind by the others! But I guess any nasty bacteria should have died off anyway....

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