cleaning large tanks


Fish Crazy
Feb 5, 2004
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Right now I just have a 20g and a 10g

I see a lot of people here with 36+ gallons

How do you all clean your tanks?
Do you use a standard gravel cleaner and bucket method?

It's alot of work for me to carry buckets to my 20g
I would love to upgade in size but gee...I don't think i'm strong enough :eek:
I'm all about the Python. It hooks up to a sink and will both drain the tank and then refill it. No buckets!
With my tank I just use the standard gravel cleaner and bucket method exept I have a huge bucket... the small one just fills up too quick... It's really hard to get the bucket out though... it's really heavy but I manage in the end.
I'm an old fashioned guy, I still use the gravel cleaner and bucket method also, even though I am up to 30+ tanks now. Pythons sound interesting, but I like to let my water age before I add it to the tank, cant do that with a python. (Just a personal preference thing for me, not saying there's anything wrong with the python.)
i have the tanks in my sig, the 30 is actually a 29 and is now set up, have to update my sig soon, and i couldn't do it without a python. takes me about 1 hour to change water in all my tanks on saturday. :)
iv got a 40 (us 55) and iv got my 26gal (or it gould be 29?) and iv also got my 15.6... wter changes every week, with the old syphon and bucket routine.

im not interested in the python, tho i can see why some ppl are, frankly i love liftin buckets of water upto my tank, after all its excersize innit... :flex:
Python water change system the only way to water change a large tank-Anne

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