Cleaning gravel

Feb 13, 2004
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I know the usual way to clean the gravel would be while doing a water change with a syphon. But I have a really high hood and my arms wont stretch to holding a syphon all the way down to the gravel, up and over then down far enough to syphon into a bucket!

Can anyone suggest alternative ways of cleaning the gravel that don't involve syphoning water out?
No, But for about $30, you can buy a 25 foot siphon hose that has a gravel vacuum and can attach to your sink (if it can't reach, I know they make 50 foot hoses :hyper: ) They're very common, made by a company called 'Python' you should be able to find one in any pet store/ Wal-Mart.
other than that, I think they sell battery powered gravel vacuums here.
But if a python can reach your sink, it's a much better deal, it then takes about 10 minutes to due a 50% water change, tops :)
Python hoses
I paid £5 for my syphon gravel cleaner. I use it as a syphon as well, one of the best things I ever bought. Jusrt shake it up and down to start the syphon and way hey!!

FrankSlapperinni said:
No, But for about $30, you can buy a 25 foot siphon hose that has a gravel vacuum and can attach to your sink (if it can't reach, I know they make 50 foot hoses :hyper: ) They're very common, made by a company called 'Python' you should be able to find one in any pet store/ Wahl-Mart.
other than that, I think they sell battery powered gravel vacuums here.
But if a python can reach your sink, it's a much better deal, it then takes about 10 minutes to due a 50% water change, tops :)
Python hoses
Thanks! Can you use the Python just for taking water out? - I won't be putting water in straight from the tap as I've got an RO unit. If so I'll have to see if they're available in the UK.
waterwatereverywhere said:
Thanks! Can you use the Python just for taking water out? - I won't be putting water in straight from the tap as I've got an RO unit. If so I'll have to see if they're available in the UK.
yes ,you can. and you can order it from the site Frank attached to his reply .
Looks like just the sort of thing I was after, then. That site is a US site but I've now also found that they sell it from :)

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