Cleaning Fry Tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 17, 2003
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I have a 5 1/2 gallon tank that I have my guppy fry in and I have a breeder net in there with my female guppy that is due any day...My question is, I need to do a water change, but I am scared it will upset my female since shes due any day and I dont want to hurt her and make her upset I want this deliverly to be a good one, and I want to save as many as I can :) Can anyone tell me if it will be ok, or do I need to wait until she delivers?
Depends how bad your water is, some guppies like mature water to give birth in and others like to have regular water changes.

Personal choice but don't do a large scale water change as this will stress the mother to be how old are your baby guppies that are in your tank? coz they are quiet vurnable to water changes.
Some of the babies are 3 weeks and the others are 2 weeks...The reason I want to do a water change is my Nitrites are getting high!! Is there anything else i can do to bring them down beside water changes?
You can go to the LFS and pick up filter media pouches that are designed to reduce the nitrite. Most FS carry a wide variety of pre-made pouches that contain media to reduce different elements/compounds (ex; ammonia, phosphate, nitrate, nitrite). I've only had to use the stuff once when I came back from vacation, had my mom caring for the fish, and she didn't let me know over the phone that fish were dropping like flys. The term "over-feeding" was an understatement in this situation. Anyways, the point here is, I found the pouches did the trick (I believe I had bought a couple of the Aquarium Pharmaceuticals), the levels dropped down to reasonable levels within two days.

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