Cleaning fish tank


Fish Crazy
Jun 20, 2004
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hey i just cleanned my fish tank i have taken 10% of the water out and added it i cleanned it 20 mins ago and my water when looking side on looks mystic white does this mean i did not clean it good or should this onli happen for 30 mins or so.
or is this because i have added slightly warm water.
I had this before too. If you're using gravel when you replaced the water you may have disturbed some of the gravel which when moved can sometimes give of coloured chemicals. If enough is let off then the water can turn blue.

I dont think this is toxic and should clear out in a day or two.
It's not something that has ever happened to me and I change 20% at a time. You should try to tempature match the water (to touch) that you are putting in the tank, otherwise the fish could go into shock and may be suseptable to ich and other problems.
ok thanks for the advice the fish are swimming well and the colour is clearing better now. what is ich cheese speacilist.

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