Cleaning External Piping?


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2011
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just wondering i guess it does need cleaning every so often but just wondering when and how do you go about it?

i can see dirt in the pipes but there has been no flow slow down so i guess its still alright at the moment just want to find out tanks been going probably around 4-5 months and i have never done the piping
I clean mine every month or two when I clean the filter. I say 'clean' but the reality is I shove a pipe brush as far as it'll go from each end into the pipe (about 12 inches) and leave the middle bits. I figured every little helps and all that... ;)
dont think i will do every time i clean the filter as such a pain to remove them as it goes behind the unit the tank is sitting on
No - plastic is actually a great media for the right bacteria, it's just every now and then you might notice a build up that needs clearing.
Don't worry about it too much. On one of my tanks, due to how I installed the filter, the access is very tight and I didn't bother for the last year and a half without any issues in performance of the filter. Some people report a slight ammonia spike when the pipes get cleaned because bacteria does grow in there too, it has the best access of water and oxygen there :)
But it will become unsighty of course :)
Well you can't really see the pipes I only notice the dirt when I clean the canister
Yeah, mine aren't on display either for the most part :)
When I clean the filter and turn it back on the first time after that, a cloud of dirt from the pipes sometimes gets released into the tank. This gets caught back by the filter in no time so it's not an issue for me.  But that's the downside of not cleaning the pipes :) The fish love that mulm that comes out though and rush to eat it.
Have a little look into your externals instruction manual too. See what they advise.
I've had my Fluval 406 running for 8/9 months now and not cleaned the hosing at all, no loss of flow. They do recommend changing it once a year.. Which is cobblers and they just want more money. I'd probably just clean it when it gets to a year!
JBL Cleany makes cleaning pipes a breeze. 
Plenty of other ways to clean them but for around £7 you cant go wrong IMO
Livewire88 said:
JBL Cleany makes cleaning pipes a breeze. 
Plenty of other ways to clean them but for around £7 you cant go wrong IMO
i use a length of metal coat hanger longer than pipe with a handle made on one end and on the other i fold end over with a small bit of dish cloth trapped in.
with it wet i poke it through,rinse cloth then pull it back through.
cheap cheerful and effective!
I had a regular intake strainer on my filter system and the pipes got quite "lined" in a short space of time (3 Months) since then I made a additional mechanical filter in the form of a hollowed out internal filter sponge that I fitted over the strainer and the pipes have remained virtually clear after doing so.

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