Cleaning an aquarium

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Fish Aficionado
Sep 25, 2003
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I've got 1 five and 1 ten gallon tanks. Whenever I siphon out clean them out wiht the gravel vac, I end up messing up the tank in this manner:

The tank gets cloudy and full of crap that I don't vacuum up
Not all of the stuff gets cleaned out
The plants float (the gravel seems to be too light in the five gallon, though there's 5 lbs. of it in there)
I can't get the gravel to slope backwards

Any help, suggestions, diatribes, etc.

(I'm all ears) :D
Hi temp.
I clean my tanks every 3 days at least with a battery gravel vac, before that, I changed 10% of the water every 3 days with a good old siphon. I think its possible that you arent doing enough water changes, I would recommend doing 10% daily water changes until the water doesnt cloud up so much, using the gravel vac and replace with water you have left sitting overnight. With tanks this size, its not such a huge task.
As for the plants, you could weigh them down with lead plant weight which comes in a roll and is cheap as chips.
Keeping gravel in a slope takes a lot of work as fish will be constantly digging in it and regular cleaning will flatten it out. You could try creating layers with bogwood or small lengths of glass/slate siliconed to the bottom.

I strongly suspect the problems you posted about with fin rot are being caused by a large bacteria build up in the gravel and in the water caused by the amount of waste and debris in the gravel, doing the water changes is the best cure for this and it should clear up fully within a month.

I would recommend doing 10% daily water changes until the water doesnt cloud up so much

I strongly suspect the problems you posted about with fin rot are being caused by a large bacteria build up in the gravel and in the water caused by the amount of waste and debris in the gravel

I have to agree with Ken on both accounts.
Actually, the tank w/ the most fish is the 5 and they're healthy, and the dollars finish off all the food. I guess the goldfish are to blame (actually, I guess my father and I am). It gets really messy when I change water, that's why I do it once a week. But with all the fry, diseases, and extra food, I'll have to do that. Thanks.

Will it be easier to slope the gravel in 50 gallon? And what about the water changes then?
tempestuousfury said:
I've got 1 five and 1 ten gallon tanks. Whenever I siphon out clean them out wiht the gravel vac, I end up messing up the tank in this manner:

The tank gets cloudy and full of crap that I don't vacuum up
Not all of the stuff gets cleaned out
The plants float (the gravel seems to be too light in the five gallon, though there's 5 lbs. of it in there)
I can't get the gravel to slope backwards

Any help, suggestions, diatribes, etc.

(I'm all ears) :D
Hi temp :)

The things you mention should not happen when you siphon your tank and clean the gravel. Do you plunge the big end of the siphon into the gravel and slowly raise it up so that it can clean that section of gravel? If not, give it a try. Then insert the siphon close to where you just cleaned. Again lifting it up you will see the dirt rise up and away from the gravel into the hose. If you can't finish the entire tank in one go, do half and in a few days do the other half. :)

Whatever you do, don't stir the gravel with the siphon. :no:
Ahh. Thanks. Actually, I press down into the gravel, that's when I see the stuff get lifted out, but what you said makes sense. I'll give it a try. :D

Will the small siphon work for the 50 or would a large one be better?
tempestuousfury said:
Ahh. Thanks. Actually, I press down into the gravel, that's when I see the stuff get lifted out, but what you said makes sense. I'll give it a try. :D

Will the small siphon work for the 50 or would a large one be better?
For a 50g, I would get the large one. Also when you clean, just put it straight in the gravel and lift straight back out. :)
tempestuousfury said:
Ahh. Thanks. Actually, I press down into the gravel, that's when I see the stuff get lifted out, but what you said makes sense. I'll give it a try. :D

Will the small siphon work for the 50 or would a large one be better?
Hi temp :)

Use whatever you're most comfortable with. I use the same one that I've had for years. The opening on the big round end is 1 1/2 inches in diameter and I use it for all my tanks from 10 gallons to 55 gallons. :D You will probably find that the big tank will take longer to clean, but will actually be easier, than your small ones.

By the way, do you know how to start a siphon without sucking on it? :unsure: (many people don't)
The instructions were to fill it with water, but that never works for me. I just pull it up and down really quikly and it starts up by itself.
I use the python cleaning system to clean the gravel and change the water. It hooks directly to a sink faucet. It comes in 25 and 50 foot lengths. It uses the water pressure from the sink to vacuum the gravel. It is so easy to use and does a great job. It was by far the best fish accessory I've ever purchased. I think if cleaning the tank is really easy you will clean it more often. It takes me less than five minutes to clean out my 20G. Here's a link to where I got mine.
I've seen those at Walmart and didn't give it any thought. I don't mind cleaning the tanks. Actually, I sometimes enjoy it b/c I get to rearrange some stuff if necessary and I pay more attention to the fish when I fill them up to see if they're ok.

I also got a vacuum-type thing w/ my new 50 gallon. It's a green garden hose w/ stuff attached. The guy said I should take one end to a tub suck on that end, and the water'll start running. He also told me to screw it onto the shower head to fill the tank up, but I don't think taht's wise b/c of the chlorine. Chances are I'll never touch it...
If all that fails try using filter aid by intrepet after you've done your cleaning this will clear it quite quickly but it easier the bigger tank you have at the mo i've got a 50 gallon and I would like something about 100 gallon
You could also try siphoning a little slower.. Keep the siphon down on the gravel a little longer to get the stuff you just disturbed before lifting it up.. And try to as little side to side motion which only stirs the gravel beside the siphon.. I know what you mean tho. But with a nice filter and some floss, any floating debris should be cleared up momentarily and not cause too much problem. Which remind me I need to to a water change and clean my filter tonight. Yay!
What is floss? So far, I've been able to decipher that it is used w/ canister filters. That's about it.

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