cleaning a small tank


New Member
Mar 24, 2004
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I just bought a small tank with an undergravel filter for my two bettas to share. (Don't worry i put a divider in there!) The tank is about two gallons and it has an undergravel filter. I have a larger 5.5 gallon as well but that one has a power filter. I am used to doing the gravel clean once a week along with a 30 % water change. Now with this smaller tank i am not sure how to clean it at all. should i do a partial change once a week as well? I don't know anything about undergravel filters or how to keep them clean...could some one please help me out here?
Yeah apparently they do it is quite small....does anyone know or have eperience in cleaning one?
Not sure about the ug filter cleaning but in a small tank water changes are extremely important as is monitoring/testing for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates. A small tank tends to be less stable than one with more capacity. It takes less to upset the balance so keep up with the water changes and watch your plants/fish for any signs that something is not right.
believe it or not you can still use a small siphon tube to clean the tank, just remove your bettas and ornaments.

As for cleaning the under gravel filter, every two month take out everything including the gravel and clean the entire tank out.

If you dont do this then the crud that is under the ugf will start to come through the rocks.
you can try a small syphon, but in that small of a tank, i actually use a turkey baster (they're only around $1 or$2 in most discount stores) to suck up leftover food and poo. i also keep the the little cups the bettas come in and use these to scoop out the water (you could just suck with the baster though too if there isn't enough room to get a small cup in there).
i usually do about a 50% water change on my 1 gal betta tanks every week, and on the little dual hex, sometime twice a week, dante can be a messy little betta sometimes.

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