Cleaning A Planted Tank


Fish Fanatic
Apr 8, 2006
Reaction score
St. Louis, MO
Well before I had a lot of plants I was able to use my python cleaner and it would clean all the gravel and everything. Now that I have a lot of plants I really don't get to see much of the gravel. So I guess my question is, whats the best way to clean a planted tank?
Well before I had a lot of plants I was able to use my python cleaner and it would clean all the gravel and everything. Now that I have a lot of plants I really don't get to see much of the gravel. So I guess my question is, whats the best way to clean a planted tank?

All i do is clean the debris of the plants with the syphon and leave it at that the mulum that reaches the substrate breaks down into ferts for the plants.

I have found to my cost that trying to keep the substrate to clean is detrimental to the plants you taking away a much need source on nitrogen, that comes from decaying fish and plant waste, but that dose not mean no water changes and clean up lol.

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