Cleaner Wrasse


Fish Fanatic
Jul 18, 2005
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I purchased my first ever cleaner wrasse today! already it is becoming quite an attraction in my young reef.
My question is, how long would it take to start cleaning the fish? I would love to see this happen. It is near its prime size though.. will this mean it will not clean? I heard on many different forums that you should buy them small so they can develope a relationship with other fish.
Already it trys to Clean my Saddled puffer... my puffer used to be king of the tank, now the wrasse scares it trying to clean it. Or is he up to no good :grr:
Christs_Knight said:
I purchased my first ever cleaner wrasse today! already it is becoming quite an attraction in my young reef.
My question is, how long would it take to start cleaning the fish? I would love to see this happen. It is near its prime size though.. will this mean it will not clean? I heard on many different forums that you should buy them small so they can develope a relationship with other fish.
Already it trys to Clean my Saddled puffer... my puffer used to be king of the tank, now the wrasse scares it trying to clean it. Or is he up to no good :grr:

good luck trying to keep him as they tend to die pretty fast in captivty my one died after just 4 days and he was feeding how big is the cleaner cos he might be scaring all you fish
He is about 6cm. of which is bigger than all the fish i have in there...
My clowns arnt bothered bout him, even my mandarins. Its just my saddled puffer. the wrasse keeps trying to bite something off him and the puffer trys to get away.

I have had my eye on this Wrasse for several months now. Just to make sure it wouldnt die on me. But it could happen, he seems fine atm.
I dont know where he is tho.... he just all of a sudden disapeared, did yours do this? i turned my lights off and he has vanished.
Christs_Knight said:
He is about 6cm. of which is bigger than all the fish i have in there...
My clowns arnt bothered bout him, even my mandarins. Its just my saddled puffer. the wrasse keeps trying to bite something off him and the puffer trys to get away.

I have had my eye on this Wrasse for several months now. Just to make sure it wouldnt die on me. But it could happen, he seems fine atm.
I dont know where he is tho.... he just all of a sudden disapeared, did yours do this? i turned my lights off and he has vanished.

yaeh he did i found curled up in a hole in same rock dead :byebye:
i found this info if it helps

Do not keep saddled puffers with invertebrates or they will eat them. saddled puffers have poisonous flesh and can release poison if harassed by other fish so care must be taken not to stress them out.

hope this not the case for your little fellow
Update on Wrasse/puffer situation.
Well i dont know where my wrasse hides at night but he is out and about today.
Yesterday my puffer was so scared he didnt even come out, but now he is out, the wrasse still is trying to eat something off his tail...
The puffer is becoming abit more comfortable, if the wrasse doesnt try clean him, they swim together. But as soon as he trys the puffers swims off.
Well thats alli have noticed for now.
Puffers are in the same catageory as a boxfish which are posinous. I would know being I have a box fish but he is small and the tank is so large he wouldn't do any damage if he released his toxin thankfully. just thought I would throw that out there.
pheww that takes alot of stress of me.
How big do Box fish get?
They look interesting.
It depends on species really. But most stay reasonably small.

What type of cleaner is it that you have?
your wrasse might be burying itself in the sand at night.

boxfish may be related to puffers, but puffers are not poisonous as such - I've never heard of them releasing toxins like boxfish do - what is the source for this?

most boxfish I've seen grow pretty big - often in the region of 12" or so.
they also tend to become a lot less colourful and interesting when older.
I did some research last night.
I was curious about the longhorned cowfish.
They look tiny at the lfs, but man they grow big!
it said the biggest one recored was 23"

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