Cleaner shrimps having millions of babies


Fish Crazy
Jul 18, 2004
Reaction score
South Africa
My crazy shrimps have just started giving birth to what looks like a million babies, But the strange thing is that they are both giving birth (i only have two) so i assume they're A sexual. My fish are having a field day eating as much as they can, but i turned the lights off to give them a bit more of a fighting chance to maybe make it to the sump.

But what is the survival rate of these little guys if any, cause i'd like try keep some

and well this is cool :cool: :cool: :cool: :cool:
Cleaner shrimps are both male and female. :p

The chances of the young surviving are zero im affraid. Sorry to sound negative but the young will need very small food, (we are talking microns in size here) and even with people that are having sucess with them, the first moult usually wipes out 99% of hte batch.

Good luck though and learn as much as you can from this event! its a fantastic sight to see.. shows that the tank is really healthy too if the conditions are good enough for them to breed. :clap:
Did anything end up coming of this? What did you learn and did anything survive?
The females can keep the males sperm for a long wile. I forget just how long, but it is possible that when you got them they were fertilzed and just now decided to put the seamen to use.
RamJet Posted on Feb 25 2005, 04:34 AM
The females can keep the males sperm for a long wile. I forget just how long, but it is possible that when you got them they were fertilzed and just now decided to put the seamen to use.

See now if that was a human chick, that would be just whacked, lol
Hey at last I'm back online! yeah it was a really long night watching millions of shrimp getting eating and fighting for their lives, was a great sight one which i think every marine owner needs to see. I doubt very very mush that any of them surviveds at all, especially considering i moved 2 days later and had to pump all my water out the window, so i imagine the impeller caused a bit of chaos. :crazy:

But i see my shrimps still appear to have eggs, as their bellies are still fill with illuminous green eggs, and it's been over three months since i bought them so i imagine that they paired up and have been getting busy :look: , But now that i think of it i remember seeing their bellies full of eggs about a mounth ago and didn't think much of it cause i geus i missed them giving birth and in the morning they would have been all cleared up.

But all in all these shrimps are 2 of the most interesting things i've ever seen

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