cleaner shrimp problems


Fish Fanatic
Mar 9, 2004
Reaction score
Philadelphia Pennsylvannia USA
I recently had both cleaner shrimp die with in about a week and a half of each other the water parameters are fine. they where both fairly large and looked fully grown. is it posable that they could have been old? or is it possible that my chocolate chip star took them out? the only thing I've done differently is started adding Kent's calcium to the water, I know that calcium is good for them but if there was to much could it hurt them? :sad:
Why did you start adding calcium to the tank, what were the tanks calcium test levels at prior to dosing it, what do you have in the tank that requires calcium?

What size tank, what other inhabitants are in it? What were the exact water readings, and what temp?

I've always been told, if something in the tank dies unexpectantly, then do a 30 to 50% water change to try to dillute whatever is in the tank that may have caused the death.

I had a clown that came near death, but all my tests showed that everything was right on track, moved the clown to a different tank, and did a massive water change.

Turns out if I remember correctly that some foreign substance like acrylic polish must have gotten on my hands and my hands must have been put in the tank before washing them off thus polluting the tank with somethign that the normal marine tests couldnt detect.

Anyway, I wonder if it's possible that you OD'd the tank with calcium.

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