Cleaner Shrimp Gone!?


Fish Addict
Nov 14, 2005
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I went to greece for the week and half way through the holiday i got a call from my grandad (who had been feeding them) that he couldnt find the shrimp. i though oh probs just molting. but its now been 4 days and ive even had a look but cant find no remains or him alive!

It has been very hot over the week and my grandad did say that the temp went up to about 90 once! yet all the corals/ fish (bit scratchin but ill hopfully get rid of that) and so is a small turbo snail and other snail ive got.

Any thoughts?

Im very miffed as Roberto was well funny! :-(

chance is that he is actually there. i thought mine had been eaten by my baby lionfish and I was quite suprised cos its like 3X bigger than its mouth and low and behold this morning I saw it crawling from inside a rock.

we are not just talking behind a rock either it had actually squeezed inside one of its holes.
my shrimp always hide in my plants and i can not find them at all they are very good hiders sometimes i have not been able to find mine for like 2 days then ill see them
i guess i got lucky i hear of almost everyones shrimps missing or hiding so it takes the joy out of looking at it and i guess myne is a lucky opne it picked a spot upside down in the front of my tank and it also cruizes the gravel every now and then but they all do that i think. he cleans my finger ;) well ide say have a stake out at night if u caqnt find him in the day try the night and see if u see a white whisker :hey:

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