Cleaner Shrimp -eggs?!?!?!-


Fish Fanatic
May 16, 2007
Reaction score
Toronto, Ontario
i was checking over my tank last night and noticed on one of my two cleaner shrimp that under the back of the body where the "flippers" are, sorry for not having proper termonology, there appear to be quit a few little green balls, what can they be are they normal or are they eggs??? sorry no picture yet, hard to get a clear shot. any info will help. shrimps doing amazing always swimming around the tank and eating well.
what do you think i should do? should i get another tank and breed or should i just leave it and see if any would make it, i dont need anymore shrimp but i dont know what to do or is there potential to seel them, or is it even worth it
Well you would have to separate the cleaner into another tank and also make a seperator that would suck the babies, once born, through a hole that the shrimp could get in. Quite expensive. You can do it if you want.
ahh to much work for sumthing i dont need maybe i can get lucky and a couple will make it but highly doubtful i will keep everyone posted and maybe try and get a pic to show everyone
And then you have to try and grow phyto/rotifers to keep them fed, all while controlling nitrates :crazy:
i think it would be more beneficial to the fish if i just let them eat the eggs haha thanks for the info guys much appriciated

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