Cleaner Shrimp And Hermits


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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There both peaceful and one does not have a shell, So am fairly safe to say there both okay to have them?
I sorta impluse bought a cleaner shrimp today while getting my saltwater from my LFS, Lol. I changed the water and put the shrimp in slowly after doing the water in/out in the bag.

He seems to just run about, then stop to clean a few things then run about again. It's okay to keep these in a nano I take it?
I have hermits & cleaner shrimp & there are no problems, they ignore each other
both species can be kept easily and happily together in tanks from, nano's upto the largest of home aquaria.
when first introduced your cleaner shrimp may run around, but its just getting aquipped with its new home.
a few days and it should start acting more like normal.
having fish in with it may help calm it down, by giving it a job to do.
there reasonably hardy too.

good luck

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