Clean up crew?


New Member
Jul 13, 2004
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I have a 72 gal, 40 lbs of live sand, 75 lbs of live rock.

what do i need to clean up crew?

hermit crabs, star fish, snails, sand sifters?
I would start out with at least 50 blue leg hermits, and at least a mix of 50 snails.

Reeftopia is an excellent source for clean up crews. You can get someone to split an order with you and get off really cheap.

Sand sifters are excellant at moving the sand and keeping it clean. They are extremely hard, probably the hardiest of the starfish commonly kept but there are some things you should keep in mind.

1. Nevr introduce them toa new system, the tanks needs to be established for at least 6 months before introducing them as the life in the tank will not be at a sufficient level for them to thrive.
2. Never use them alongside a deep sand bed. They are voracious predators that can and will sterilise a deep sand bed (which is why people keep DSBs in sumps away from things like this)

I have one in my tank and he is doing well. My only concern is that he doesnt seem to like the new sand i have got for him. Its aragonite sugarfine and for some reaon he doesnt seem to find it as easy to clean as he did with the larger grain sizes. If you do intend to get one eventually i would recomend a slightly larger grain size than sugarfine.
Depending on where you live in the world really depends on whether Blue legs are easy to get or not. Where i live they have become quite rare so Redlegs are usually used.

Bluelegs are harder working without a doubt. They doa better job IMO but are hard to find. Trying to stock a tank of this size with enough blue legs will be hard if they are scarce.

Red legs are far more common and easier to get hold of. They seem to be a bit more laid back and lazy during the day but are often seen atl ights out in my tank doing their work. Whilst not as industrious as the bluies, i find them less aggressive towards snails, in fact they are less aggressive altogether.

I dont recomend you keep blue and red together though. Blues are far more agressive than reds and unless the reds are far far larger than the blues then the blues will simnply win a battle each time and remove the red from its shell (usually killing the red)

Putting spare shells in the tank really does help for changing shells and is highly recomended but even this doesnt seemto stop blue aggression.

Blues are much better IMO but be careful not to mix them. I have a tank full of reds simply because i cant get the blues. An alternative is the Zebra leg. I have a couple of these and they are very peaceful and extremely hard working... they put the reds to shame. Not as colourful but as they grow they tend to get much prettier.
Ebo I'd just check out premium aquatics and/or inland aquatics since you are so close. probably get a good deal.

But otherwise GL has a good suggestion.

I have bad luck mixing snails and crabs (the latter eat the former and I prefer the former, oh well). Coupla rules: the ONLY nassarius you want are nassarius VIBEX. Don't believe what anyone says about the various other types you can find on ebay especially. Second, NO bumblebee snails ... they are carnivores, will destroy your sandbed by devouring your pods and worms.

If you do a search on "detritivore" on ebay you will find Rob Sullivan. I recommend his kits highly, and you can ask him to sell you extra snails.

There is also a guy who sells the nassarius vibex at very good prices. Email me and I'll send the link.

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