Fish Crazy
Hi I was wondering what shrimp crabs or snails could fit in a 29gal with 1 false percula clownfish, 1 bicolor pseudochromis, 1 clown goby, and 1 pajama cardinal fish?
Tylerman, why not have a read through some of the threads in the nano section, as your tank fits into thi category.
You need to consider three areas with your cleanup crew:
Glass cleaners - Snails
Sand cleaners - Snails, Crabs
Rock cleaners - Snails, Crabs, Shrimp
The rough rule of Cleanup crew is one invert per gallon of water so you could go with something like:
6 X Nassarius Snails - Sift sand / eat detritus
2 X Turbo Snail - Eat algae anywhere
6 X Astrea Snails - Clean glass / rock
6 X Nerite Snail - Mainly stay on the rock but also clean glass
1 X Emerald crad - Stays on the rock, eats hair and bubble algae
6 X Hermit crab - Many types to choose from, clean sand / rock
1 X Skunk Cleaner Shrimp - Eats left over food and scavenges on the rocks
i definitley think a foxface fish is a good addition the lfs says they can be kept in small tanks and they are cool looking they eat alot of type of algea and are reaf safe they are poisinous but dont ususally ever go after fish to hurt them only if a fish goes after it but thats rare. they are great cleaners, orrrrrrr, you can get an even better cleaner wich is a really cool looking fish, or cat w/e its a coral catfish you can look at them on th link, they are also poisounous but they are always cleaning up any axtra foos particles and can help out in uch a small tank since too much food can become a problem the website