Clean Up Crew For 20 Gal?

Yes, but his original post said "I want the bottom of the tank poop free". And that is the bit I think is going to prove difficult. That is the bit we were all trying to answer. I did suggest shrimps though. Twice.
Absolutely - and that's the understanding I had - together with:

i hate having "poop" all over the bottom and vaccuuming never seems to work well.

So again: really nothing is going to consume that poo and get rid of it just like that.

Yes shrimps are great for churning debris over and eating bits of uneaten food - but have you ever kept shrimp in a glass bottom tank and seen how much they poo too ? :sick:
I have - and trust me on this - they are little pooper troopers!

So really - it's a bit of a catch 22 if no poo is wanted in the tank. In which case my only suggestion is no fish.

*But* if a scavenger is wanted for uneaten food bits that fall between the gravel etc. I whole hearted recommend some Caridina Japonica (Amano Shrimp) - depending on the stock and setup of course :)
ah my apologies, the original post must have been edited without notes by the time i gt to it as its now less specific, other than to say he would like it poop free if possible. its not possible, but we can make it as clean as possible through suggestions.
but we can make it as clean as possible through suggestions.

Thats all I was looking for. I was only joking around about having it POOP FREE and stuff like that. Obviously thats not going to happen. I just thought maybe there was a certain shrimp or pleco i could get that would help me out along the way a bit. This kinda turned into a war against me thinking I want a spotless perfect no poop all beautiful tank. I KNOW thats not going to happen, I was just looking for ideas to help me along. THATS ALL!
but we can make it as clean as possible through suggestions.

Thats all I was looking for. I was only joking around about having it POOP FREE and stuff like that. Obviously thats not going to happen. I just thought maybe there was a certain shrimp or pleco i could get that would help me out along the way a bit. This kinda turned into a war against me thinking I want a spotless perfect no poop all beautiful tank. I KNOW thats not going to happen, I was just looking for ideas to help me along. THATS ALL!

Ok, my apologies if I sounded harsh. I think we've given any advice we had to give by now. Basically, shrimps do help with general cleanup- and are great little characters in their own right, but ideally you need to keep a school to get a the full benefit. Also your cory needs friends, so I'd concentrate on those two- always, of course with the proviso that any additions are going to add to the bioload, not lessen it. Other than that, the suggestion of plants was a good one. And another thought- what size gravel vac are you using? I found unless I went for the smallest mini-size, I had half-emptied the tank before the bottom was even remotely tidy.

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