Clean Hospital Tank And Keep Bacteria


Fish Crazy
Oct 1, 2005
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I'll soon be moving my fish from hospiatl tank into my main tank.

Fish in there have had ich and velvet. General advice is to thoroughly clean out a hospital tank that has had disease. Wouldn't you have to put in new filter media too? But then you would lose your bacteria?

Id like to keep my hos tank cycled if poss.
yes i would definitly get rid of the filter media and do a thorough cleaning of the filter must no how catchy ick is...when u purchase the new filter some bacteria..not sure what its called but you should be good after that...and maybe by some cycle to
I would clean the tank, along with the filter, with a bleach solution. Toss out the old media, put the hospital tank filter on your main tank to cycle with some new media.

It should run for a couple weeks, than it will be cycled. Leave it running on the main tank, pull it off & fill the hospital tank & add the filter when you need to use it.

If you really want to keep the hospital tank cycled, you can either keep a couple fish in there or add a little ammonia every day, similar to a fishless cycle. I really can't see keeping an empty tank cycled when all you have to do if you need it is add the extra cycled filter & water. Why make more work for yourself?

Leave it running on the main tank, pull it off & fill the hospital tank & add the filter when you need to use it.
I find this the most convenient method. I just keep the hospital set up, filter and all, stored away for when it's needed and use media from one of the filters on the main tank to seed it, but same idea.
a chemical to help tanks with the bacteria is Nutrafin Cycle i use this because Bio Spira isnt sold in the uk but the Nutrafin stuff should work it did with mine
you can clean the hospital tank out and change the filter but the new filter you buy you would have to run in your own tank to get your bactria back also run the filter you have at your house so you will have 2 running then after a mouth or 2 take the new filter with the bacteria to the hospital and run the tanks as normal.

ty Ryan

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