Classroom Betta: phase II


Fish Crazy
Jun 27, 2004
Reaction score
Pittsburgh, PA
Ok I have decided to go with a 2 gallon aquarium, which I already have, and a betta for my classroom this year.

A few questions:

I am planning to transfer gravel from my cycled 10 gallon Aq and put it in there. Is this ok to do? I know to keep it wet.

Can I get a female betta, and are there any differences between keeping males and females?

I know a 2 gal is small, but is there anything I can put in there with it? Or should I just leave it alone?
yes if you bring gravel from the 10G it'll help the tank cycle much faster

also you can keep feame bettas, but in a 2G you'll only be able to keep 1. There is no difference between keeping males nad females (just don't keep them together).

in a 2G aqarium, if you put in a betta (male or female) i would only put in shrimp/snail/or ADF with it. Any other fish and you'll be rsiking overstock :)
Hey. Probably an obvious point, but I will make it just in case - keep the gravel wet with the old tank water! Tap water would kill of the bacteria! B)
Hi VulcanNinja :)

Cycling is the natural process where the chemical waste products of the fish evolve to become beneficial bacteria which in turn consume additions chemical wastes. When sufficient beneficial bacteria are in the tank to do this, it is said to be "cycled."

It is the quantity of the bacteria that matters, so if you put about 1/2 to 3/4 of an inch of gravel in your small tank, it will already be "cycled" when you put your fish in, because one fish will not need much beneficial bacteria to do the job. :nod:

Please do not think of putting a solitary cory in there with the betta. Corys are schooling fish and need companions of their own kind. :D

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