Clamped Tail Fin


Feb 21, 2012
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Hi All 
I done a fish swap late thursday evening and got a jewel cichlid , the water he turned up in was murky so could not see him properly , floated the bag for 25mins the put the bag in small bowl open top and done the drip method for a further 45mins , netted the jewel out into tank. When saw water I put melafix in my tank so that had gone in before he had the water into his bag. Looked at him properly last night and his tail fin looks clamped ,
Not had this before so not sure how to treat ?
My tank is 5ft and 340lt  been running for couple of years , 2 external filters  a 306 @ 206 , , 2 heaters , 2 airstones , 
Water is amm 0 , nitrite 0 , nitrate 40ish  always have trouble reading this one , test kit is api drops ,
cleaning is mid week 4-5 buckets of dech water then weekly 6-7 buckets of dech water also substrate cleaned ,  every fortnight 1 of the filters gets cleaned with tank water .
Fish  2 firemouths , 1 Tbar , 1 small gold severum , 15 tetras , , 2 spotted catfish ,  (new jewel cichild  ) had all the rest of my fish since octobr  except severum which was a 6 weeks ago , reg get new live plants a severum loves to chew on them but they are washed first in tank water before putting in 
Sorry so long but trying to put all information in 
cheers for reading 

sorry forgot to put in he is roughly 2 and half inches , eating , does swim  but mainly hides 
It sounds like he's stressed. Hopefully he should settle down.
If no improvement get back to the board.
Keep tank lights out while he settles into his new home.
Good  Luck.
Hows the fish today bikerfish.
Hi Wilder sorry internet has been down :( He has settled in really well now ,  I added stress coat which seemed to help and he gets on great with my other cichlids  :) 
Thanks for the update and glad to hear he's ok.

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