Clam With Corals


Feb 27, 2009
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hi all,

im going to get a derasa clam and i want to put it in a spot near my galaxy coral and bubble coral. It is about 3-4 inches away from the galaxy and about 4 inches away from the bubble coral. The question is will the galaxy and bubble sting the clam?? This is my first time keeping clams so im not quite sure about aggresiveness.

Clams can be stung, so do be aware and remember that those darn sweeper tentacles can be quite long.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: thanks for replys guys, should i put it in the sand where it can burrow? or put it in the rockwork? I wana put it in the high up rockwork cause my light isnt as intense as others but then if anything happens, the clam cant burrow. Whats more important? the clam being able to burrow and defend against predators with barely enough light to survive or having MORE light and no defensive mechanisms??

much appreciated
milkton :fun:

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