cihlids in community


Fish Crazy
Apr 15, 2004
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What cichlids can go in a community tank. I know angels and such but what else? How violent are oscars?
Ok, for a small tank:Bolivian rams, German rams and other color morphs, Laetecara curviceps or dorsigera, any apisto.
55g and up: Geophagus, firemouths. From what I hear, oscars aren't too aggresive, they just get 14 inches long and eat what can fit in their mouths. (They need a 75 gallon minimum too.)
what size tank are we talking here?

In a small tank rams and apisots do great

In larger tanks there are much more fish to choose from
i would say no to an oscar in a comunity, he would eat guppies by the dozon when he is full grown :dunno: but i would say no, your choise...

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