Cicilian Worm


Fish Crazy
Nov 26, 2004
Reaction score
Maidstone, Kent, UK
I love my cicilian worm, he is such a character and seems REALLY clever - evry time i put the hairdryer on he comes and swims up and down the tank next to me and last night i was rearranging the plants and he comes up and brushed my arm for attention so i was tickling him and he comes back for more everytime and when i shut the tank up he sticks his little head out of the water for more attention.. :wub:

my b/f says he is not intelligent enough to be so responsive but i know he is my little clever clogs !!!
hmmm, any pictures of him/her??? He/she probably does it because he knows he will get a nice feeling out of it (warmth, getting scratched...) and does it instinctively, no intelegence really needed.
Trimar used to sell them, not on their online stocklist anymore, but if I recall they were quite expensive.
I got mine at a local lfs, think he was £15 or something he is my favourite - my cat chases him through the glass cause he 'shimmies' up and down the front when you get the algae wafer tablets out - will try and get a pic with him with one in his mouth tonight its so cute !
Dulce, where are you based? I can not see any location info for you (might just be blind)
sorry its not on there i am in maidstone in kent !
will deff get some pics of worm when i get home - i have read conflicting things on them eating fish - only when they are sick- all the time etc etc but he has not touched anyone in my tank all 5 neons have been happy for over 6 months now !
Does your LFS still have any of these left?

Suddenly I am contemplating a trip to Kent over the weekend :D

Can you give me the name of the store so I can look them up?

Oh yeah, nd how much were they going for?

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