Cici And Charlie All Snugly


Retired moderator :)
Retired Moderator ⚒️
Aug 10, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
Aren't they just seriously cute! It's almost scary.

Charlie. He just got into the dry clothes and it had to be documented.

I'll help you fold, aunt Lissette! He's my sister's dog.

I made a mess, but I'm still cute! :wub:

Cici. I woke up at 2:30am (needed a glass of water) and found this when I got back. Of couse, such cuteness has to be documented as well.

Hi, mommy. She sleeps with me sometimes. :wub:

Time for bed.

Sometimes they pose together. They like to be with me when I'm online. They'll just sit on the bed and watch. You can really see the difference based on sex. Charlie has a lot more hair, very typical of male poms.

Now, that you've had your sugar overload for the day, get back to work! :shout:

llj :lol:
awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww how cute!!!

i want a doggy!!!
Ooohhh, I'm in sugar shock! These are adorable pictures, especially the ones of CiCi snoozing in your bed :wub: I love it when my puppas come snuggle with me at night!
...interesting laundry you have there :shifty:

Cute puppiiiiiiiesss!!! Gimme! Gimme! I miss the fluffiness, Boo-boo just had a hair cut again :(

NO! No puppies for you! My puppies! Stay away! :shout: You have Boo-boo!

Yeah, I have to trim Charlie's hair about once a month. Otherwise, he looks like an overgrown, tall Pekinese. :lol: I give him a modified Lion cut, not so short on the hind quarters but I like to see a taper to the waist and hips. It give him a nice "butch" look. He also has a stilted gait, so he looks super manly next to Cici.

Thanks for the complements. I apologize for the sugar shock. I seriously needed a bag of salt and vinegar potato chips after creating the thread to counteract the overwhelming sweetness.

llj :lol:

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