
By electric yellow, do you mean Labidochromis caeruleus?

You can get pretty much any Mbuna and add them together as far as I know. I've only had Mbunas for a few years now so my knowledge is very limited still.

I don't agree with many compatability charts because they never seem to hold true for me.

There are 3 main aggressive Mbunas-

Melanochromis chipokae (I would stay away from this one just to make it easier at the start)

Melanochromis auratus

Pseudotropheus lombardoi

Most Mbuna are aggressive and they can take care of themselves, so don't let that scare you at all. I am only naming the 3 I've had real problems with, and the only one I couldn't ever get to settle down was the chipokae, but others have had better luck, so you might also if you want to give it a try.

I would get socolofi, Ps. zebra, lombardoi (kenyi), johanni, among more.

Try to get different colors and sizes if possible (I know that's hard if bought at a young age), and try to only get 1 male per breed. You can get 2-3 females of the same kind and it should be ok.

You can put quite a few in a 55. (I think that's what you said you had?) I've heard of people having 25-30 of them in that size tank. I don't want to say whether I recommend that because I haven't ever seen it or tried that, so take that for what it is.

What type of filtration will you have?

Get a lot of rockwork in there as they love rocks. Mbuna means Rockfish. :)
NP at all. :)

Let us know what you get and also if you have any more questions.

After rereading my post it looks like I said it was ok to put 25-30 in there. I didn't mean that if you took it that way. I was just trying to let you know you can add more than a New World cichlid. The most I've personally had in a 55g was 18.

What type of filtration do you have?

I wouldn't use an undergravel filter as these guys love to dig thus making your ugf not very effective.
I agree completely! My chipokae is a serial killer!
I have 3 auloncara maisoni (although I started out with 6) and the big male (reed) killed off the compititon but they seem to have different habbits so the leave eachother alone.

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