

New Member
Oct 27, 2003
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I am getting a tank set up soon and the fish i am having in it are supposed to be a variety of many sorts but ive recently been advised by people on this site not to get these fish together. Can you tell me if you think these sort of cichlids are not meant to be in the same tank:
Red tailed Black shark
Thanks rly appreciate it, R x
you only hav two cichlids in there the discus and the angels which are not recommended companions but by all means give it a go mine hav worked out fine together as for the neons and guppies if they are not fully growen they are likely to be eaten and sometimes even if they are fully grownthey will be devoured by the angels and discus, but again it is up to you in my experience it works but others say it most definetly dosen't, i hav had neons and angels with discus before and they all got on fine.

and out of interest what sort of catfish?- if it is a plec than you are fine put say its something like a pictus catfish than anything smaller than 1 and half inches will be gone over night.
no problem rachel, first of only 2 of the fish on that list are cichlids, the discus and angel fish which are both new world cichlids. but the reason for them not being kept together is that cichlids by nature are territorial and agressive so there is the possiblity that there is going to be agression towards each other.
Angels do eat neons and Discus are harder to keep than many tropical fish due to them needing good, stable water conditions. As for catfish with stick to corys, and if you do get a pleco don't buy a common pleco as they will outgrow most tanks. there is a pinned post in the catfish section about smaller varieties of plecos.

good luck with your tank

David :fish:
what size is the tank? discus are real delicate fish and very difficult for beginners as they are extremely sensitive. angels and discus are larger fish, angels expecially will need a large tank! you wouldn't want to put them with much else. neons are a natural food for angels, even ones grown in captivity, its a samll fish, they will eat it.
mollies, guppies, neons would be fine as a combo. you could get cory cats or small pleco variety for catfish with them. (pleco type will depend on tank size again....)
as for the red tailed black shark:
based on this, hope you have enough room in the tank and i wouldn't recommend cory cats with it........................
just my opinions
Sounds like a beautiful combination. But as said already I would worry about the discus as they are very delicate and need extra care, not to mention they can be pricy. Also angels will eat anything they can fit in their mouths.

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