cichlids------which ones?


Fish Fanatic
Dec 11, 2004
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UK yorks
which cichlids are ok to keep in a community tank which wont grow that big and will breed easliy without being aggressive???

and how can u tell the sex of black widow tetras?


:alien: :alien: :alien:
agreed with Vip BUT they will get aggressive when breeding no mater what. all cichlids are like that :nod:
Kribensis also works. Although as dwarf_dude stated, all cichlids get more aggressive when they are breeding and sometimes they will breed every other month so you have to have a good size tank and some pretty fast and tolerant tank mates.
thanks for your help

could i put corys and black widow tetra in them with them?


:alien: :alien: :alien:
The mix in my tank (2 kribs, 2 bolivian rams, 2 blue rams, 2 keyholes) seems to work ok at the moment. The kribs spawn every couple of weeks and chase other fish off, but thats about it. Probably the exception rather than the rule though.

They completely ignore my cories and the neons keep away from them. The danios and rainbows swim in the top level and dont get bothered by the cichlids at all.

yes the corys and tetras would work with dwarf cichlids :nod: but it should be in a bigger tank if you are planning on keeping them in a 20 gal as corys like to be kept in groups and tetras like to be kept in groups of six. so mkaybe 1 or 2 pairs of dwarf cichlids and a small group of corys and tetras would work in a 20.

If you want to keep cory's with them, then just one pair of cichlids is best if you want them to have any room to roam.
I agree with freddyk, stick with one pair of small cichlids: rams or apistos. (Perhaps keyholes or kribs, but I have no experience with those 2) 4 corys and a small school of tetras would do nicelyl with a pair of rams or apistos in a 20.
Keyholes are great. Surprisingly peaceful.
Keyholes can get to 4" and as is normal with cichlids are aggresive when breeding. Supply a cave or plant pot at the ends of your tank, they will then take up less space when breeding as they tend to take up a circle from the breeding ground. If you supply a cave in the middle then they are likely to take up most of your tank. Also, make sure that nothing in the middle may be mistaken for a cave, as they will use it as one as a rule, just to p*ss you off.

thanks, when they breed do i have to remove the other fish?, it jus seems alot of work if i have to


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