Cichlids Stocking Help


Wolf Overlord
Nov 9, 2012
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Heya fokes, As some know I have a 120gallon tank or 450 litres.
I've bought two T bar Cichlids which seem to enjoy nothing more but floating around or chasing each other. I knew this when buying cichlids they can be a bit nasty but there not that bad, I've seen worse.
Anyway, I love cichlids, Amazing fish and was wondering if its possible to get more or do something else.
A quick run down of stock:
8 Red line torpedo barbs
12 Rosy barbs
1 Syno catfish
1  Pleco
2 T Bars
That's it stock wise, So if any cichlid fans can shed some light on this would be epic. Thanks.
Are your T-bars (sajica) a pair? they are very aggressive when spawning. I would stay away from any other convict species, sub-species (convict, Hondouran red point, etc)
What are you looking for a large cichlid centre piece chocolate cichlid, severum, urau type or medium sort of size - what sort of shape fish do you prefer?
star4 said:
Are your T-bars (sajica) a pair? they are very aggressive when spawning. I would stay away from any other convict species, sub-species (convict, Hondouran red point, etc)
What are you looking for a large cichlid centre piece chocolate cichlid, severum, urau type or medium sort of size - what sort of shape fish do you prefer?
I think the guy in the LFS said there male/female so its possible yea.
I just wanted a pair of fish to stand out other than my shoals and the T bars seemed a prefect idea is all.
my sajica had babies and were smallish and they held off a jack dempsey and a texas but only do this when defending there babies and only get them to move away.
they are a lovely fish , they have breed twice so far in 4 months.
rainbow chichlids would be ok imo as would a pair of large kribs
Iv got same size tank as you, iv got a pair of rotkeil and gold severums, these work really well in a 450l tank, there nice and colourful and peaceful aswell.
I second what Star says Sajica are one of the most vicious of the cichlids when breeding :/ The males are incredibly strong and the bite is quite damaging to the victims. 
Having just had a nasty experience with what I was expecting to be calm breeding cichlids (Laetacara Thayeri) I would say that unless breeding is a major ambition of yours in the hobby I would just keep all one gender in the tank and singletons of multiple species.
My tank is a little larger than yours but my stocking is in my signature :)
I keep angels, blue acara, rainbow cichlids Ellioti and a single female convict together with no major hassles. They argue with heir eon kind and occasionally break up fights between each other, it's bizarre. E.g if the angels are fighting the acara will swim between them.

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