cichlids in 20 gallon


Fish Crazy
Apr 2, 2003
Reaction score
Kelowna B.C.
what cichlids can go into a 20 gallon tank. .....................just traded my mp3 player for a 20 gallon :thumbs: :thumbs:
people will soon get bored with me saying this but firemouth cichlids do well in a small tank so long as its about two foot long and one foot wide it should be fine for two. any less space and i would say none and i would say an extra cichlid per foot. be aware they are not the most accomidateing of fish and their agility might cause othe fish to stress.
the thing isi just got a 10 gallon.....made a mistake in my previous post. anyweay i have a community in the 20 and i wanted to transfer the community to the ten (don't worry its not overcrowded) and put somethin cool in my 20 gallon.....
jamong do you have any info on firemouths, i have a book with there picture in it. They look awesome
lnks or personal info is great :D

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