Cichlid Tankmates For Angels

Catfish Jack

Fish Fanatic
Sep 5, 2007
Reaction score
Belfry, Ky
I think I accidently posted this on the species index page for new world cichlids about five minutes ago, my bad.

Anyways, I have four angels in a 55gal column tank with other tankmates which are listed in my profile. As some of my older schooling fish have been dying off, I've been leaning towards filling some of the empty space with some cichlids that wouldnt harm my angels. Due to my location I have'nt been able to find many dwarf cichlids, festivums, nor flag cichlids. Are there any more commonly traded species which can be housed with angels? Keep in mind that I have no close Lfs's in my area. I'm limited to Petsmart, Pet Land, and Wal-mart. I know, it sucks.
A collumn tank is one of those super high tanks that just about nothing can go in. People don't even reccomend angels to go in those tanks. Just because they are tall does not mean that they will like it. The base of those tanks is like a 1'x1' cube, not suitable for many fish at all.
Its dimentions are 30x24x18. I'll be going to school in a far bigger town, so I can find some more rarer species to bring home on the weekends. Keep the ideas coming, thanks.
I have kept alot with Angels in the past...I had 2 adults for a few years until recentley when i sold them on to start my Mbuna tank.

I had them with adult Severums,Firemouths,Blue Acaras,Geophagus Brasiliensis,Threadfin Acara,Kribensis,Rainbow Cichlids,Festivums,Jewel Cichlids.

I even hosued to adult male Convicts and a 2" Oscar for a friend for a month in my 95g with them and they never went near the Angels....other than the Angels used to get territorial with them.

Also kept them long term with Tiger Barbs and Serpae Tetras (which is supposed to be a no no)

Angels are deffo tougher than people make them out to be.

A collumn tank is one of those super high tanks that just about nothing can go in. People don't even reccomend angels to go in those tanks. Just because they are tall does not mean that they will like it. The base of those tanks is like a 1'x1' cube, not suitable for many fish at all.

Instead of jumping down his throat at least ask him the dimensions.. As he posted, it is not nearly as bad as you made it sound. I have seen your posts all over the forum, quit acting like you know Everything...
A collumn tank is one of those super high tanks that just about nothing can go in. People don't even reccomend angels to go in those tanks. Just because they are tall does not mean that they will like it. The base of those tanks is like a 1'x1' cube, not suitable for many fish at all.

Instead of jumping down his throat at least ask him the dimensions.. As he posted, it is not nearly as bad as you made it sound. I have seen your posts all over the forum, quit acting like you know Everything...

Agreed. :nod:

Its dimentions are 30x24x18. I'll be going to school in a far bigger town, so I can find some more rarer species to bring home on the weekends. Keep the ideas coming, thanks.

Severum (if you can get them.) As another person said, Keyholes should be fine. BTW, that's a great tank for Angels, they like tanks that are nice and tall :good:

I think if you ask Petland I would think they should be able to order you in Rams, possibly Apisto, definitley Severum or Festivum. I have seen them carry a decent selection in my area and although I don't prefer to a LFS, they are the only chain store I will ever get remotely close to.
Thanks so much for the input guys, it's really helpful.

I have a couple more questions. My tank is planted, and I've heard severums have a habit of eating plants. I'd love to get one, but is there any way to stop this behavior? And my last question is, would there be a problem housing say, two keyholes and a firemouth with my angels, rather than sticking with just agressive tankmates, or the opposite of just peaceful ones.
You could try added blanched veg such as lettuce, spinach or courgette and they might prefer to eat these rather than your plants, it works with plecs. I would say the keyholes would be ok but not the Firemouth.

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