Cichlid Tank

Good attitude.

No gravel. Sand will work it's way through the gravel and end up at the bottom and the gravel will end up at the top.

If you bought a bag of coral sand from your LFS you can add a netted bag full to your filter. But... if you took the gravel back that you're getting for your birthday and explained you wanted to swap it for coral sand then I reckon they would be willing to help you out.

It may be way off track from what you originally planned so just ignore me. Haha.

Yeah we have moved off topic a bit, those mbunas are really something but i think going central american gives me a lot more options and would be much easier. Theres always the next tank though lol

I'll just have to find a way of justifying a 4th tank to mother......
Thanks very much for all your help, i'll be sure to post some pics when it's all set up in a few weeks time!

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