Cichlid Tank

They were originally from SA, but i believe they are now found in some places in CA. Probably due to them being released or escaping, but none the less, they're still there. Lol.

If your LFS can't help you then you could always have some delivered... Clicky

Or... if you ever come up to the midlands you could pick a few up from me.

You could also look at Red Eyed Tetra's too.
They were originally from SA, but i believe they are now found in some places in CA. Probably due to them being released or escaping, but none the less, they're still there. Lol.

If your LFS can't help you then you could always have some delivered... Clicky

Or... if you ever come up to the midlands you could pick a few up from me.

You could also look at Red Eyed Tetra's too.

How do you go about ordering online? do you simply order them and have them delivered to your door like anything else. It seems weird having a living thing as a package.
They were originally from SA, but i believe they are now found in some places in CA. Probably due to them being released or escaping, but none the less, they're still there. Lol.

If your LFS can't help you then you could always have some delivered... Clicky

Or... if you ever come up to the midlands you could pick a few up from me.

You could also look at Red Eyed Tetra's too.

How do you go about ordering online? do you simply order them and have them delivered to your door like anything else. It seems weird having a living thing as a package.
Yep :) overnight delivery. I have ordered plenty of fish. Not online, I order by ringing up the shop but its the same thing. With the shop I use (trimar in Cornwall), if you order on say Monday before 11 am you have the fish delivered the following day before 1pm. They are very good. Never late and never had any other problems with them.
Okay thanks everyone, i'm going down today to see what they have in stock. Cant wait till i have everything finally setup
I 've done a bit of research and it says that rainbow cichlids like large groups of around 5 some even say 8! if so i'll get a sajica/HRS/firemouth to go with the cutteri instead. Also, do you know of any other good places to order them from, the link you gave me are sold out of cutteri. I also made an error earlier, im in south west (Wiltshire), not south east.
Rainbows do very well in groups, but a singletons would work also. I would say consider a female Salvini also, but they can be hit and miss. I would avoid getting a Sajica and a HRP due to conspecific aggression. I also wouldn't get 3 territorial cichlids either.

All that sounds really negative, lol, sorry, it really wasn't meant to.

Have you considered a dwarf mbuna tank? You could have lots of cichlids then.
Rainbows do very well in groups, but a singletons would work also. I would say consider a female Salvini also, but they can be hit and miss. I would avoid getting a Sajica and a HRP due to conspecific aggression. I also wouldn't get 3 territorial cichlids either.

All that sounds really negative, lol, sorry, it really wasn't meant to.

Have you considered a dwarf mbuna tank? You could have lots of cichlids then.

I meant i would get EITHER a HRP, Sajica or Firemouth to go with the cutteri, NOT all 3. Salvini's are beautiful but as you said, its hit and miss. I would rather not risk it unless you know anything that is highly likely to work well with one. What mbunas could i get? i thought i would only be able to get shell dwellers?
Shell dwellers are Tangs, Mbuna are Malawi's.

You could easily stock 8 Saulosi and 8 Rusty Cichlids with a few Synodontis Petricola.

The Sajica/HRP/Cutteri are all the same 'type' of fish.

If you could guarantee the Salvini was a female then it would be do-able if you kept her as a lone centre piece and stocked around her with robust Tetra's and large Cories or similar.
8 of each! I'll definately consider going african then. I hear many people use crushed coral substrate to raise ph, is this essential? if so then i wont be able to get them. My parents are getting me gravel along with the filter and heater for my 16th birthday on wednesday.
You could get a small bag of coral sand and use limestone rocks to raise the ph. Sand would be better. You could use Argos play sand which is £3 a bag.
You could get a small bag of coral sand and use limestone rocks to raise the ph. Sand would be better. You could use Argos play sand which is £3 a bag.

So adding a thin layer of sand over the top of the gravel would be enough? how much limestone should i use? also what should be my male/female ratio? i imagine you're starting to get fed up with me by now lol.

I'd rather ask loads and annoy you opposed to not asking enough and annoying the fish.

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