Fish Crazy
Okay, here's the story. I have one Powder-Blue cichlid who is a little bit bigger than the other three that I have, and used to be the meanest of the lot as well. Not anymore. As it is, she appears to be becoming more and more obsessed with with my trio of Kuhli Loaches who mainly hide out underneath a hollow plastic fungus, which she has dug out and made her "cave." It used to be that she was protective of them, chasing away the other cichlids if they tried to come near them. Now, all she ever does is guard the entrance to the fungus, usually only poking her head out at most. Once in a while she does come out, but just for a very short time, and she always sticks very close by the fungus. From being the most aggressive of the fish, she has become the shyest, and I never see her anymore.
Is this just a phase that she will "grow out of," or can I expect this for a while? It's not like the Kuhli Loaches are going to "grow up" or "move out" any time soon. Is there any way I can convince her that the Kuhli Loaches are NOT her fry? Or at least, if can't, how can I get her to come out more? This is becoming rather annoying.