Fish Crazy
For the first time in my life, I am now the owner of African Cichlids. I have recently purchased four of them--one Ice Blue, one Bumblee, one bright yellow one with black edging on its dorsal fin and one orange, white, and yellow one with horizontal stripes. All of them are the same size (approximately 1 1/2 inches in length), and very beautiful! However, as I am new to Cichlid care, I also have a fair amount of questions:
1. Is one twenty gallon aquarium big enough for all four of them (the longest they get is, I believe, around four to five inches at the largest), or do I need to start looking into larger aquariums in the future?
2. The Cichlids are entirely alone except for three full-grown Kuhli Loaches. So far, the Cichlids have been very curious about them indeed, but have never been able to do them any harm. Not only are the Kuhli Loaches far too fast at this point in time, but they also have a special "hidey-hole" into which only one of the Cichlids will venture--but even then, the Loaches are apparently safe. If anything, the Cichlids appear downright mystified (sometimes even scared) by these strange fish, and the Kuhli Loaches apparently couldn't give a rip about their new "tank-mates." However, can I expect this peace to last, or are my Kuhli Loaches in any imminent danger?
3. If, indeed, the Kuhli Loaches are not suitable to be around Cichlids, what bottom-feeders might I get that would be compatible?
4. I hear that Cichlids like vegetables as well as other foods. What kind of vegetables, and how should they be fed to them?
5. Precisely how hardy are these fish? They have already managed to live through an electrical shortage for an entire (cold) night with no ill effects. Hopefully that will never happen again, but what are the lowest temperatures that they can withstand without harm?
6. What temperatures do they prefer to be kept at? Do they do better at the higher temps, or do the lower ones suit them better?
7. How long can I expect these fish to live?
8. Are there any other tips or advice that I should know?
Please forgive me for my naivety and lack of research before getting these fish... I would have gotten a Dragonfish (which would have been a stupid mistake, seeing as these get eighteen or more inches in length) had it not been for the wise advice of my mother, who convinced me to get these beauties instead.
1. Is one twenty gallon aquarium big enough for all four of them (the longest they get is, I believe, around four to five inches at the largest), or do I need to start looking into larger aquariums in the future?
2. The Cichlids are entirely alone except for three full-grown Kuhli Loaches. So far, the Cichlids have been very curious about them indeed, but have never been able to do them any harm. Not only are the Kuhli Loaches far too fast at this point in time, but they also have a special "hidey-hole" into which only one of the Cichlids will venture--but even then, the Loaches are apparently safe. If anything, the Cichlids appear downright mystified (sometimes even scared) by these strange fish, and the Kuhli Loaches apparently couldn't give a rip about their new "tank-mates." However, can I expect this peace to last, or are my Kuhli Loaches in any imminent danger?
3. If, indeed, the Kuhli Loaches are not suitable to be around Cichlids, what bottom-feeders might I get that would be compatible?
4. I hear that Cichlids like vegetables as well as other foods. What kind of vegetables, and how should they be fed to them?
5. Precisely how hardy are these fish? They have already managed to live through an electrical shortage for an entire (cold) night with no ill effects. Hopefully that will never happen again, but what are the lowest temperatures that they can withstand without harm?
6. What temperatures do they prefer to be kept at? Do they do better at the higher temps, or do the lower ones suit them better?
7. How long can I expect these fish to live?
8. Are there any other tips or advice that I should know?
Please forgive me for my naivety and lack of research before getting these fish... I would have gotten a Dragonfish (which would have been a stupid mistake, seeing as these get eighteen or more inches in length) had it not been for the wise advice of my mother, who convinced me to get these beauties instead.