Cichlid Questions Galore!!!


Fish Crazy
Feb 21, 2004
Reaction score
State of Fear
For the first time in my life, I am now the owner of African Cichlids. I have recently purchased four of them--one Ice Blue, one Bumblee, one bright yellow one with black edging on its dorsal fin and one orange, white, and yellow one with horizontal stripes. All of them are the same size (approximately 1 1/2 inches in length), and very beautiful! However, as I am new to Cichlid care, I also have a fair amount of questions:

1. Is one twenty gallon aquarium big enough for all four of them (the longest they get is, I believe, around four to five inches at the largest), or do I need to start looking into larger aquariums in the future?

2. The Cichlids are entirely alone except for three full-grown Kuhli Loaches. So far, the Cichlids have been very curious about them indeed, but have never been able to do them any harm. Not only are the Kuhli Loaches far too fast at this point in time, but they also have a special "hidey-hole" into which only one of the Cichlids will venture--but even then, the Loaches are apparently safe. If anything, the Cichlids appear downright mystified (sometimes even scared) by these strange fish, and the Kuhli Loaches apparently couldn't give a rip about their new "tank-mates." However, can I expect this peace to last, or are my Kuhli Loaches in any imminent danger?

3. If, indeed, the Kuhli Loaches are not suitable to be around Cichlids, what bottom-feeders might I get that would be compatible?

4. I hear that Cichlids like vegetables as well as other foods. What kind of vegetables, and how should they be fed to them?

5. Precisely how hardy are these fish? They have already managed to live through an electrical shortage for an entire (cold) night with no ill effects. Hopefully that will never happen again, but what are the lowest temperatures that they can withstand without harm?

6. What temperatures do they prefer to be kept at? Do they do better at the higher temps, or do the lower ones suit them better?

7. How long can I expect these fish to live?

8. Are there any other tips or advice that I should know?

Please forgive me for my naivety and lack of research before getting these fish... I would have gotten a Dragonfish (which would have been a stupid mistake, seeing as these get eighteen or more inches in length) had it not been for the wise advice of my mother, who convinced me to get these beauties instead.
1.It might be but you might want a secon opinion
2.They might be in danger but it helps if they're in the tank before the cichlids
3.I have mine with an upsidedown catfish but maybe im lucky and another unknown type of cat thats only 3 in
4.Some people feed them algae tablets I also use stuff like this but for cichlids
which you would clip into this
5.I didn't know what I was doing when i got mine and actually ended up using them to cycle my tank.
6.Temp around 78
7. I don't really know
8.They are very agressive and you should have lots of places for them to hide and for them to establish their territory. :D

They're great fish and I know you'll love them Good Luck
1.Probally gonna eventually need a biger tank but not to much bigger 55 is my guess, and they can get bigger (6inches)but the sizes you have are probally more likely
2.They need alkaline water ph above 8, don't no much about loaches but you may get an agresion problem depending on size cause these africans tend to be very territorial, they won't eat it there herbivores but maybe chase it to death
3.most common bottom feeders are synodontis catfish but most need groups, except nigreventis and eupterus get about 7 inches
4. just boil or microwave the veggies cutting them into smallish peices worked best with me, I tried carrots, lettuce, and zuchini plus brussle sprouts i think(there are so many different sprouts of sprouts don't no which) They only realy ate the zucchini i hear this works best also i think lettuce shoukdn't be boiled and i did, also spinach is suposed to work unboiled
5.These fish are very hardy i am told these are my first fish and i bought neducated to died in what was probally cycleing, i hear that although the are hardy nitrAte is more of a problem to them than others but the can withstand th ammonia and nitrite better, not sure though as i haven't kept other fish
6.Temperature same as any tropicals around 78 like
7.hmm,, I'm thinking 4-6 years but i haven't read alot on this fish are great said about 78 nothing different han other tropicals
That's the all i can think of, don't have a lot of expierence but did alot of reading

Very cool fish

I'm sure cichlidaddict will be around soon though to answer 8. and give more specifics and clarify a bit
Did you read the mbuna article that I pinned? It answers many of your questions.

Crabro (Bumblebee is one of the largest and most aggressive mbuna, a 20 gallon is not going to work for long. They live about 5 to 10 years depending on the fish.
Thecichlidaddict pinned a real good article with lots of information about african cichlids at the top of the page. It has answered several questions I also had.

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