Cichlid pics


Fish Crazy
May 31, 2003
Reaction score
North Of England
Got some nice pics tonight, first decent pics i've taken for ages i reckon (of anything, not just fish) :S








tell me how u get them so nice? i have a nice digital cam. all kinds of crazxy settings. mine come out like poop. i use photoshop to sharpen them. i take some with light on, some lights off, always no flash. i have taken 100s and only gotten 1 to look good.
WOW, most of the brichardi I see have very little color, but yours is beautiful! WOW! :cool: :clap: :kewlpics: :thumbs: :hey:
First photo-Rainbow colored fish gets my FOTM vote. Anyone care to second this?
AWESOME photos.
is this what i think it is, if so mine is bigger. :smb: :kana: :smb:


  • lab4a.jpg
    70.7 KB · Views: 47
awesome pics, FOTM for one of your choosing....can I do that?

(they are all so good, hard to choose)
FOTM for the last yellow lab!
nice one Zak :eek:sama: , so you've got bigger fingers than me eh? :/

Thanks for all your comments!

knutty Posted on Dec 4 2003, 11:39 PM
tell me how u get them so nice? i have a nice digital cam. all kinds of crazxy settings. mine come out like poop. i use photoshop to sharpen them. i take some with light on, some lights off, always no flash. i have taken 100s and only gotten 1 to look good.

I use macro mode, manual focus & the camera flash. Sit in front of the tank for a while to let the fish act normal with you sitting there & try to take pics at an angle so the flash light dosnt reflect straight back of the glass. I'd say that i prob took 50 pics of those fish before getting those good ones
Wow, those pics are fantastic, and the Kribs are Beautiful. The pics of the Labs are great too, although the fish himself isn't of high quality..
I'll certainly nominate the Krib as a FOTM for sure, even against my own peacock :D
thanks thecichlidaddict, how do i tell if a yellow lab is a good quality fish?

Love the pics of your peacock, that is a great fish & after seeing them i think we might have to get one at some point.
Hey Budmaster

Thanks for not taking offense to my comment, I was considering editing it out after I wrote it, I tend to speak what I think.

Yellow labs should be exactly that - yellow. The only desireable black on them is on the finnage, and while only real show fish have absolutely no black on the body at all, those horizontal bars on the side are not desirable, and the yellow should be vibrant lemon colored. Unfortunately I have found it is getting more and more difficult to find a good quality specimen - they've become so popular that the quality has been bred right out of them. This is an ideal specimen:


(btw, and this is just my opinion, but you may want to cut feeding down, your beautiful fish look a little tubby :whistle: :) )
try going to a petsland if there's one were you live, my lfs have the brightest colored yellow labs- that's were i got mine but unfortunitly mine got picked on by my puffer, try feeding hime half of what you feed him now and only once a day, they seem to like the lights on so you should turn on you lights for at least 8 hours. mine had real bad coloration before i switch their gravel with some sand, when i did this the next day we was the best yellow lab i have ever seen. and some say you need lots of deco. but i think you only need like 2 plants at most, they are never scitish and love a roomy tank. :nod:
oh as for your brichardi, the reason why it has those yellow dot along it's side is because a lack of light, only around their face should be colorfull and their body should be a steady purplelish blue color, and sorry bout the think before, i was only kidding! -_-
no offense taken m8, thanks for the advice. It was very yellow when we first got him & after we've moved tanks they've been fighting a little over the best caves, our other 2 female labs are very nice coloured though.


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