Cichlid Mix


Fish Fanatic
Feb 12, 2006
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Would it be ok to mix a pair of golden rams with my pair of keyhole cichlids and would the affect my other fish i have mollies corydoras platys pleco and a redtail shark og and some blood fin tetras :S
I wouldnt mix two pairs of cichlids together unless it was a very large tank. How big is your tank?
Hi there,

You may encounter a bit of aggression if either pair decides to breed, but then that would happen with just about any cichlid species. Given that the rams are dwarves and the keyholes will get a little bit bigger (but still towards the dwarf end of the scale) I would think a tank with at least a 36"x12" footprint and well aquascaped would house these 2 pairs quite happily.

As to the other fish you mention, how many of each are you talking about???

thanks that is the size of my tank as for my fish i have 1 albino corydoras 3 mollies 2 platys 1 pleco 4 bloodfin tetras and 1 redtail shark plus my pair of keyholes. The tank is well planted with plenty of hiding spots do you think a pair of golden rams would be ok
I agree, RTBS dont mix with Rams in my experience. I had to seperate my RTBS from the Rams as the RTBS gets quite large in comparison to Rams.
Although i believe the two fish could co-exist in the tank, there are some potential/probable problems i see.

Firstly, you mentioned you only have one cory. Corydoras catfish are naturally social animals and should not be kept alone; therefore, i would advise that you buy 2 more at the least before you think about buying anymore fish for the tank.

Secondly, you say you have a pleco, do you know which species it is? Many of the commonly sold ones have the potential to reach enormous size and make tremendous amounts of mess, so it's something i would try to find out and keep an eye on, if it is one of the species (common or gibby's for example).

Finally, as the others have mentioned, the RTBS could quite possibly pose a problem if you plan on buying the cichlids, i can't really generalise on this point since each fish seems to have it's own temperament, but it's one thing i'd keep a close eye on ;)

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