Cichlid in distress?


New Member
May 14, 2003
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Hi all, I have a 25 gal that houses 4 cichlids. My "Acei" is doing very wierd things. It swims by the heater in the corner and then shoots up to the top of the water making quite a noise in the water. I have also noticed that the scales seem to be damaged in some areas. There is no fighting going on in the tank but this fish does rub the odd time on the rocks. I have put "Aquarisol" in the tank several times and water changes are done often. My only concern is that I don't have the water warm enough. It is at 79F 26C. This fish eats very well but is always in the same place by the heater. The color of this fish is quite dull. What can I do to help this fish?

Lynn :(
water temp is fine. what are your ph, nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia readings? how old is the tank? how long have you had the fish in it? have you introduced and new fish lately? can you post a picture of the fish?

edit: oh yaeh and how rude of me, :hi: to the freindliest forum on the WWW - no not you wetwetwet :p
Thanks for the reply. I unfortunatley cannot post a picture. I have had fish for over 15 years breeding everything from livbearers to angels, cichlids etc.

My tank has been up and running for the past 8 years. I have added nothing new to this tank and all my levels of the above you mentioned are fine. I took that in to our local store for the results. They are even stumped. Everything checks out fine. I thought that maybe someone here on the forum might have gone through this.

As I sit here typing this response to you that fish is banging around in the tank. Rubbing on everything there is in site, the lights are off now but it just keeps on doing this then settles down for a while.

Oh ya there is one thing I added two months ago and that is some live plants. I got them from a friend and they are doing great. It has not bothered the other fish so I don't really think that the plants are the problem. Maybe this character just developed some problems and nothing will help him.

Oh well thanks for your reply :)
What other fish are in the tank??

What are the tanks dimensions??

I have kept several varieties of aceii and have never seen any behavior of the type you describe....sorry.


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